Wonder Walkers
2021, pages
Caldecott Honor Award

The ride of Molly Tynes: A story passed down
, Pritchett, Emily
2019, pages
Fiction, Historical Virginia

Counting on Katherine: How Katherine Johnson Saved Apollo 13
, Phumiruk, Dow
2018, pages
Nonfiction, Biography Virginia

Writing home: The story of author Thomas Wolfe
2016, pages
Nonfiction, Biography North Carolina

Amara’s Farm
, Hardy, Samara
2021, pages

The Little Island
, Weisgard, Leonard
1993, pages
Caldecott Medal

One Green Apple
, Lewin, Ted
2006, pages

The Jack Tales
2003, pages
Fiction, Folktales

Bow Wow Pow Wow
, Thunder, Jonathan
2018, pages

Tiny, Perfect Things
, Kloepper, Madeline
2018, pages
Fiction, Nature

Run Wild
2018, pages
Fiction, Nature

Right This Very Minute: A Table-to-Farm Book About Food and Farming
, Kurilla, Renée
2021, pages

Magnificent Homespun Brown: A Celebration
, Juanita, Kaylani
2020, pages
Coretta Scott King Award

Up the Mountain Path
2018, pages

Addie Clawson: Appalachian Mail Carrier
, Jensen, Sherry
2006, pages
Nonfiction, Biography North Carolina

The Picture Man
, Canter, Idalia
2009, pages
Fiction, Historical

The Hike
2019, pages
Fiction, Nature

2019, pages
American Indian Youth Literature Honor

Be a Tree!
, Sala, Felicita
2021, pages
Nonfiction, Nature

I’m Dreaming of . . .
2017, pages
other, Folktales Pacific Northwest

Talkin’ Guitar: A Story of Young Doc Watson
2015, pages
Nonfiction, Biography North Carolina

Ballet for Martha: Making Appalachian Spring
, Floca, Brian
2010, pages
Nonfiction, Historical

Southwest Sunrise
, Minor, Wendell
2020, pages
Fiction New Mexico

That Book Woman
, Small, David
2008, pages
Fiction, Historical Kentucky

The Great Smoky Mountain Salamander Ball
1997, pages

Miss Dorothy and Her Bookmobile
, Lamb, Susan Condie
2011, pages
Nonfiction, Historical North Carolina

My Great-Aunt Arizona
, Lamb, Susan Condie
1997, pages

The Year of the Perfect Christmas Tree: An Appalachian Story
, Cooney, Barbara
1996, pages
Fiction, Historical

When Grandma Gatewood Took a Hike
, Magnus, Erica
2016, pages
Nonfiction, Biography

When I Was Little
, Bond, Higgins
1992, pages
Fiction, Historical

The Little Blue Cottage
, Courtney-Tickle, Jessica
2020, pages

Maya Angelou
, Salaberria, Lierre
2016, pages
Nonfiction, Biography Arkansas

Folks Called Me Cherry
, Swafford, Cherry
2020, pages
Historical Oklahoma

We Are Water Protectors
, Goade, Michaela
2020, pages

Prairie Days
, Archer, Micha
2020, pages
Fiction, Historical

The Hundred-Year Barn
, Park, Kenard
2019, pages
Fiction, Historical

Ernestine’s Milky Way
, Sutton, Emily
2019, pages
Fiction, Historical North Carolina

Fry Bread
, Martinez-Neal, Juana
2019, pages

Maggie and Daisy Explore the Farm
, Deporter, Vincent
2022, pages

Farmers Unite! Planting a Protest for Fair Prices
2020, pages
Nonfiction, Historical

Gabe & His Green Thumb
, Love, C. J.
2019, pages
Fiction, Realistic

No Dear, Not Here
, Henriquez, Celeste
1995, 32 pages
Fiction, Nature Pacific Northwest

A is for Appalachia! The Alphabet Book of Appalachian Heritage
, Banks, Pat
2009, pages

Appalachian Toys and Games from A to Z
, Banks, Pat
2013, pages

The Fort
, Lirius, Adelina
2020, pages

A Different Pond
, Bui, Thi
2017, pages
Caldecott Honor Book
Fiction Minnesota

The Old Boat
2021, pages
Fiction, Environmentalism

The Old Truck
2020, pages

Sequoyah: The Cherokee Man Who Gave His People Writing
2004, pages
Nonfiction, Historical

Appalachia: The Voices of Sleeping Birds
, Moser, Barry
1998, pages

Silver Packages: An Appalachian Christmas Story
, Soentpiet, Chris K.
1997, pages
Fiction, Historical

When I Was Young in the Mountains
, Goode, Diane
1982, pages
Caldecott Honor Book
Fiction, Historical

The Old Woman Who Named Things
, Brown, Kathryn
1996, pages

Lorraine: The Girl Who Sang the Storm Away
, Bond, Higgins
2018, pages
Fiction, Historical Tennessee

The Adventures of Molly Whuppie and Other Appalachian Folktales
2007, pages
Fiction, Folktales

Smoky Mountain Babies!
2014, pages
Nonfiction, Nature

Born Wild in the Smokies
2007, pages
Nonfiction, Nature

The Keeper of Wild Words
, Kloepper, Madeline
2020, pages
Fiction, Nature

We Are Grateful–Otsaliheliga
, Lessac, Frané
2018, pages

An Appalachian Mother Goose
, Johnson, Paul Brett
1998, pages

Grandma Gatewood Hikes the Appalachian Trail
2018, pages
Nonfiction, Biography

Outside In
, Derby, Cindy
2022, pages
Fiction, Nature

Eagle Boy
, Christiansen, Lee
2008, 32 pages
Fiction, Folktales Pacific Northwest

Three Bears of the Pacific Northwest
, Trammell, Jeremiah
2011, 32 pages
other, Folktales Pacific Northwest

Over in the Meadow
, Keats, Ezra Jack
1995, pages

Over in the Meadow
, Vojtech, Anna
2002, pages

Sonya’s Chickens
2015, pages

, Chin, Jason
2021, pages
Fiction Ohio

Home in the Woods
2019, pages
Fiction, Historical Wisconsin

When the Parkway Came
2010, pages
Nonfiction, Historical

The Other Side
, Lewis, E. B.
2001, pages
Fiction, Historical

Christmas With the Rural Mail
, Lewis, Maud
2017, pages
Historical Nova Scotia

When the Cousins Came
2018, pages

Letting Swift River Go
, Cooney, Barbara
1992, pages
Environmental Massachusetts